
Random: Modders Recreate Super Mario Sunshine Stage From Space World 2001

Blast from the past.

Cast your minds back to August, 2001 (if you’re old enough, that is!), you might remember that Nintendo hosted its last ever Space World event, during which it showed off a brief snippet of Super Mario Sunshine and introduced the world to the joys of cel-shaded Zelda (or ‘Celda’, if you like). The company was gearing up for the launch of the GameCube, which would release in Japan just one month later and in November of the same year over in North America.

The demo showcased for Super Mario Sunshine is noted for demonstrating a level not seen in the final product; an alternative version of Delfino Plaza that, if we’re being honest, was probably best left on the cutting room floor. It also featured some unused NPC characters that we kind of wish made it into the final game; some of these guys look fantastic!

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