
Random: Splatoon 3’s Shiver Appears To Be Nintendo’s First Major Non-Binary Character

A big win for representation.

The Splatoon series is widely considered amongst fans to be one of the coolest franchises in Nintendo’s line-up, showcasing style and modern sensibilities that other IP in its catalogue has nary even touched upon.

With Splatoon 3, however, it seems Nintendo may have taken a bigger step in the direction of diversity and representation. As part of its recent Direct Presentation, it was revealed that a new trio called ‘Deep Cut’ would be handling the in-game news items, replacing the ‘Squid Sisters’ from Splatoon 1 and Pearl and Marina from the last game. The group consists of Shiver, Frye, and Big Man, with the former proving to be a popular talking point amongst fans, many of whom believe that Shiver may be Nintendo’s first major non-binary character.

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