Lamb do the slaughter.
Devolver Digital’s latest game in their stables of gory, bizarre, and irreverent releases is Massive Monster’s Cult of the Lamb, a game so perfectly-pitched to the Devolver crowd that it’s hard to believe it wasn’t an in-house project. It’s a cult simulator, but with cute li’l woodland animals instead of bloodthirsty human-types or Cthulhuses (although you can get a Cthulhu skin as part of a pre-order bonus, actually), making all the ritual sacrifice and cannibalism look so cuuuuuuuute.
That combination of cutesy and culty is the culmination of many, many months prototyping and flinging ideas at the wall in Massive Monster HQ, but now that the game is out, it’s receiving reviews that make all that work worthwhile (our review is coming soon, don’t worry — PC codes were sent out earlier than Switch ones!).
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