
Random: Fans Take Splatoon 3 Locker Designs To A Whole New Level

Moai head, Moai head, Moai head.

If you have read near enough any of the articles here at Nintendo Life over the past few weeks, you will know that we are serious fans of Splatoon 3. The game seems to balance those little quirks that made the former games so successful, with just enough new features that the latest entry really does feel like “the pinnacle of the series” (as our glowing review so succinctly puts it).

But of all the new features, there is one which stands head and shoulders above the rest. “What is this new game-changing feature of which you speak?” we hear you ask, “is it the incredibly fun Salmon Run, now consistently playable? The wonderful new story mode? The fresh maps for Turf War Battles?” No, it’s the locker thing.

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